welcom to

I opened this web site especially for rider who loves old motorcycles.
I hope everyone and every motorcycle spend funny time forever.

goro yamamoto

I am sorry.
This English page is currently not complete yet.

About Moto Planning

Moto planning was established in 1987.
From the beginning, moto planning spend for restoration the old Yamaha motorcycle that have small capacity 2 stroke air cooled engine.
I understand in case of old motorcycle, too hard to keep good running condition because no replacement parts and documents.
Therefore we need to keep good relationship between each owner and owner.
Because each owner may have nice information each other.
In the future, I hope I will make Museum for Yamaha and Sony machine.

Please note

Information that this web site mentioned are based my own experience therefore I worry about some miss information on this web site.
Please do not hesitate to tell me if you find any miss information.

Our previous work.

This is emblem photos for
Yamaha motorcycle.